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Cooperative Agreement:  This cooperative agreement is designed to provide a partnership between the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the local Conservation District.  The NRCS provides landowners and producers with both technical and financial assistance for voluntary programs for various conservation practices. 


The main programs that this agreement has assisted with over the last two years include the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), and Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), benefitting an average 100 producers annually. In turn, creating nearly $145,000 worth of monetary assistance for these completed practices. 


Within the last year alone, our technician has verified nearly 6,000 acres in field checks for cover crops, filter strips, conservation cover, and residue management as well as assisted with conservation plans for these producers. This is an important partnership with NRCS, and we look forward to continuously working with the landowners and producers of Saginaw County.

Approximately $145,000 in annual assistance
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